Binding Methodology

and Common Problems Faced by Mothers

After giving birth, not only will the new mom’s outward appearance change, she may also suffer from weakened or stretched muscles, leading to conditions such as diastasis recti (a gap between the abdominal muscles), internal organ prolapse, rib flare or a widening pelvis. FH Remodel, and a postpartum binding professional, uses her accurate abdominal binding technique to help new moms speed up their recovery and regain their pre-pregnancy bodies and confidence.

Problems of Postpartum Mamas

Diastasis Recti
Pelvic Widening
Rib Cage Deformity
During pregnancy, growing uterus puts pressure on the two bands of the abdominal muscles causing a gap between them and internal organs prolapse.
A widening of postpartum mamas pelvis which could cause urethra leading to incontinence (urine leakage).
With the size of fetus growing during pregnancy, the uterus grows and gives pressure to the diaphragm and rib cage. As a result of continuous pressure, the rib cage will be pushed forward and become bigger.

Why Remodel Binding Works!!!

Human body produces a hormone named Relaxin during pregnancy. This is to relax the muscles and bones to create more internal space for the baby growth and ease delivery. Postpartum binding utilises the remaining Relaxin in the body through binding and compression from the outside to alter the body shape.

Why FH Remodel

FH Remodel body binding treatment will remodel your body in a safe and professional enviroment but without dieting, exercise nor medication. Below are some highlights of our treatment

Customized Treatment

With the consolidation of tummy binding techniques from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, etc., FH Remodel works out a program which is suitable for women in bustling city, like Hong Kong. Based on different mothers’ lifestyle and body, FH Remodel wraps precisely to obtain the most satisfactory result,

Avoid using Herbs

To prevent causing any allergy of mamas and babies, we DO NOT use any herb.

Soft and thin fabric

The selected wrapping fabric has a special soft and thin texture in order to allow mom to be more comfortable, breath well and reduce mobility hindrance.

No Time Restrictions

At FH Remodel, there’s no time limit. Our treatment is suitable for moms who have given birth over 10 years go with our professional therapists’ judgement.

Verified Navel Candles and Organic Massage Oil

All navel candles and massage oils come with Organic Certification and are verified by USDA. FH Remodel ensures the products’ safety and ingredients, to avoid skin allergies; also prevent from using herbs to decrease potential herbal allergies to infants through breastfeeding.

Advanced Wrapping Technique

The wrap will mainly be between the chest bone and pelvic bone. The strip of fabric is wrapped about 30 – 40 times around the body depending on the mom’s body shape. The therapist ties up every round to ensure the fabric knot is strong enough and will not shift.

Keeps Your Uterus Healthy

The medical grade far-infrared machine is an instrument verified by the KFDA and the FDA, that produces pure far-infrared thermal energy into body to improve blood circulation by sweating out body toxins and heavy metals.


Naval treatment accelerates the metablism and blood circulation to improve swelling. Togeher with our signature massage and belly binding, we help the postpartum body back to shape.

Remodel Binding
Bridal Treatment
Reignite Bust Treatment
Arms Slimming Treatment
Treatment results may vary according to the body conditions of individual customers.

Free Consultation

We welcome for Free Consultation to offer the most sutiable program for you.

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